Thursday 23 October 2014

Romantic Comedy Conventions- The Back-up Plan

Below is the movie poster for the film "The Back-up Plan"

  • Jennifer Lopez is a well known actress associated with romantic comedies such as "Monster in Law" and "The Wedding Planner"- therefore her name and face being on the poster implies the genre
  • The Font of the title of the film is in lower case and soft and rounded, reflecting the genre
  • In addition some of the writing is in a bright pink, which is a colour associated with romance and love
  • The title of the film is in between the two main characters, showing there is a obstacle keeping them apart- as I have said previously this is a common element in a romantic comedy
  • The tag line shows that this obstacle is a baby
  • The male central protagonist is staring lovingly while smiling at the female Central protagonist which suggests romance 

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