Tuesday 21 October 2014

Teaser Trailer Conventions

After looking at 5 different teaser trailer I found that they contained the same conventions regardless of the genre. Below is a list of conventions that I found from this research:
  • Production company logo(s)- usually at the beginning of the trailer 
  • Images from the film
  • Title of the film
  • Release dates- likely to be 'coming soon' or 'summer' rather than being a specific date
  • Indication of genre
  • Website
  • Voiceover man
  • Editing 
  • Possible references to other films
  • Images of stars/names of stars
  • Music that reflects the genre
  • Tagline- often broken up throughout the trailer
  • Sound effects
  • Eye candy
  • A variety of camera shots

Although I did not find the following conventions in the trailers I looked at I suspect the following will also come up in teaser trailers occasionally:
  • Reference to source material the film is based on
  • Quotes that reference other films
  • Reference to awards that cast/crew/film may have won or been nominated for
  • Cast, crew director credits 

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