Sunday 30 November 2014

My Billing

After looking into billings for a few real movie posters I made my own billing for my film. From the research I did I knew what staff members names to include in the billing and I knew what order they should be in. Using the names of the staff members I decided where appropriate for my film I created the following billing: 

Potential Crew For My Billing

In order to create my billing/credits I needed to compile a list of the crew who would work on the production of my film. I used IMDB to research various people, for example, Editors, Producers and Casting Directors, to find some who had previously worked on many romantic comedy films - I want to use the names of real people for my crew to give the poster and teaser trailer an extra layer of verisimilitude. 

Director and Producer: Nora Ephron-Nora Ephron was an American journalist, essayist, playwright, screenwriter, novelist, producer, director, and blogger. She is best known for her romantic comedies and was nominated for many awards. She directed and produced many romantic comedy films such as "You've Got Mail" and "Sleepless In Seattle". Although I feel Nora Ephron would have been the best person to direct and produce my film I can't use her as she is no longer alive. 

 Director: Robert LuketicRobert Luketic is an Australian film director who has directed romantic comedy films such as "Monster in Law" and "The Ugly Truth"

 Producer: Karen McCullah Lutz Karen McCullah Lutz is an American screenwriter and novelist. She has produced many romantic comedy films such as "How To Loose A Guy In Ten Days", "The House Bunny", "She's The Man" and "The Ugly Truth." 

Cinematographer: Russel Carpenter- Russel Carpenter is an American cinematographer. He is most widely known for his collaborations with director James Cameron, working on films such as "Titanic" and "Avatar". He has also been the cinematographer for well known romantic comedies such as "Monster-In-Law" and "The Ugly Truth". 

Casting: Deborah Aquila- Deborah Aquila has been the casting director for many well known films including the romantic comedies "The Ugly Truth", "Valentines Day" and "You, Me And Dupree". 

Music Composer: Aaron Zigman- Aaron Zigman is an American composer, producer, arranger, songwriter, and musician for several recent films. He has composed music for well known films such as "The Notebook", "The Last Song" and romantic comedies including "The Ugly Truth" and "What's Your Number".

Costume designer: Betsy Heimann- Besty Heimann is a well known costume designer. She has worked on romantic comedies such as "The Ugly Truth". 

Editor: Lisa Zeno Churgin- Lisa Zeno Churgin is a film editor known for working on romantic comedy films such as "Pitch Perfect", "The Ugly Truth" and "In Her Shoes". 

Billing Analysis

I am going to be looking at three billings/credits from the films "The Ugly Truth", "50 First Dates" and "You've Got Mail" so that I know how romantic comedy billings are structured so that when making my movie poster it will look authentic.

After looking at these billings I have discovered that they all include the same information mostly in the same order. The information included and the order is as follows:
  1. The production company or companies 
  2. Name of director 
  3. Name of the film
  4. Name of the main actors 
  5. The names of the other important crew members including who the music is by, the editor, production designer, director of photography, who the screenplay is by and perhaps more
  6. The name of writers 
  7. Director's name again
The order may be slight different in different billings but at least now I will know what needs to be mentioned in my billing. 

Potential Production Companies

Like all the teaser trailers I have looked at, mine needs to have a production company logo at the beginning (and also production company logos at the bottom of my poster), and in order to do this I need to choose a possible company (or companies) which may produce my film. I have looked at different Romantic Comedy films and compiled a list of companies who could potentially distribute and produce my film.

Potential Large production companies: 

1) Universal Studios 

Universal studios is an American film studio, owned by Comcast through its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal, and is one of Hollywood's "Big Six" film studio's. It has produced romantic comedies including "This is 40" and "About Time". 

2) Columbia Pictures 

Columbia Pictures Industries is an American film production and distribution studio of the Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group,  It is one of the leading film studios in the world, a member of the so-called Big Six. It was one of the so-called Little Three among the eight major film studios of Hollywood's Golden Age. It has produced other romantic comedies such as "The Ugly Truth" and "Just Go With It". 

3) Paramount Pictures

Paramount Pictures Corporation is a film studio, television production company and motion picture distributor, consistently ranked as one of the "Big Six" studio of Hollywood. It has produced romantic comedies such as "Failure To Launch". 

4) Warner Bros 

Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. is an American producer of film, television, and music entertainment. One of the major film studios, it is a subsidiary of Time Warne. Warner Bros. has several subsidiary companies, including Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Interactive entertainment. It has produced romantic comedies such as "We're The Millers". 

5) Village Roadshow Pictures 

Village Roadshow Pictures is a leading Australian co-producer and co-financier of major Hollywood motion pictures, having released over 70 films since its establishment in 1997, including the romantic comedies "17 Again" and "Life As We Know It". 

6) Sony Pictures Entertainment 

Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. (SPE) is the American entertainment subsidiary of Japanese multinational technology and media conglomerate Sony. It has produced romantic comedies such as "Sleepless In Seattle" and "The Bounty Hunter". 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Romantic Comedy Trailer Analysis Conclusion

After looking at some romantic comedy trailers I have discovered the following conventions that I want to include in my trailer to make it authentic:

  • The music is usually uptempo and happy
  • The trailer will include comic elements possible in the form of jokes or the behaviour of the protagonists 
  • The two protagonists will often be shown at separate sides of the frame or even in separate shots at the beginning of the trailer and then gradually get closer together as the trailer progresses
  • There is often a shot showing advice being given from friends 
  • Impact sounds or a change in music could be used to highlight the obstacle 
  • It is often hinted that the characters eventually overcome to the obstacle  
  • Romantic gestures may be shown 
  • The names of the main actors are shown at the end of the trailer often in a pastel or soft colour to reflect the genre
  • Often the two characters are shown to be not suited for each other but then towards the end of the trailer the audience are led to believe otherwise

Romantic Comedy Trailer Analysis 3

Below is the trailer for the film "Life As We Know It":

  • Again the trailer begins with an uptempo track
  • Immediately the male protagonist is shown as being completely unromantic and wrong for the female lead and the female lead makes it clear she wants nothing to do with him
  • The obstacle is then made clear- the orphaned baby brings the two together
  • At this point the music becomes slower and more sad sounding 
  • The music becomes more uptempo again 
  • Comical elements are involved in the trailer
  • Several shots show that the two clearly don't get along 
  • At the beginning of the trailer the two are shown as separate sides of the frame or even in separate shots
  • Again shots show the two protagonists fighting and struggling with the baby
  • The music then changes again- although it is still uptempo it has more of a romantic sound rather than a comical sound
  • Slowly the characters are shown closer and closer together and they are also show to be getting along and laughing together
  • The two start to get along and it is beginning to become clear that the obstacle (the baby) is actually what will bring them together
  • A montage of shots shows them getting along and acting as a family
  • The trailer then shows them actually being romantically involved, hinting that they eventually do end up together and they overcome the obstacle

Romantic Comedy Trailer Analysis 2

Below is the trailer for the film "Friends With Kids":

  • The trailer begins with uptempo music 
  • Unlike the trailer for Playing It Cool the two main characters are actually close together in the shots to show that they are friends 
  • However it is made clear that they are not romantically involved in the beginning
  • Comic elements are involved in the trailer
  • At first the arrangement made by the two characters works perfectly and this is actually what is shown to be one of the obstacle later on as it is only supposed to be an 'arrangement'
  • In addition both the male and female protagonist start seeing other people which is again another obstacle preventing them from seeing they are right for each other
  • Some jealousy starts to become apparent when seeing the other with another person
  • While characters are seeing other people they tend to be shown on separate sides of the screen or even in separate shots to show that they are drifting apart because of the obstacles
  • Scenes showing advice being given from their friends
  • Towards the end of the trailer the characters are shown closer together implying that they do eventually get together 
  • Names of actors are shown at the end of the trailer in white and a pastel yellow

Romantic Comedy Trailer Analysis 1

Below is the teaser trailer for the movie "Playing It Cool" which was previously titles "A Many Splintered Thing":

  • The very beginning of the trailer introduces the male lead and immediately establishes aspects of his personality. For example that he doesn't believe in romance and he's a stereotypical man who see's women as sex objects
  • The purpose of this is to set up something that needs changing- one of the obstacles that needs to be overcome is his attitude to love and romance

  • Music- uptempo and lighthearted suggesting even though there may be obstacles there may be a positive outcome
  • Scenes where either male or female protagonist talk to their best friends to get romantic advice- the best friends are usually slight quirky snd not necessarily the most obvious people to ask for advice but they always end up offering brilliant advice

  • Wipes are used to to get from one shot to another giving the film a light hearted funny feel
  • Wipes are also used for the tagline
  • Further scenes follow showing male characters feelings about romance (negative). The trailer works hard at establishing him as somebody who is unlikely to fall in love
  • After establishing his unsuitability as a romantic lead we are introduced to the girl who is going to change his attitude 

  • An impact sound is used to imply the profound effect she will have on him and a change in the direction of the story
  • At least one of the main characters and often both are attractive to look at 
  • Two shots of the potential couple- at the beginning of the trailer they may be at different sides of the frame with distance between them whereas later in the trailer they may be seen closer together

  • New music track- not quite so uptempo but a happier and more romantic song- the music reflects the characters feelings at that moment in the trailer
  • Instant attraction between the two characters- showing they have something in common and that they are getting along
  • Main obstacle is revealed- her boyfriend

  • Impact sound highlighting the obstacle
  • There are comic elements apparent in the trailer in forms of jokes
  • Wipes seem to dominate in terms of editing transitions
  • More music that is uptempo and happy
  • Characters are even in separate shots to imply they are both aware that they can't be together

  • Two shot- separate parts of the frame and ones in the background and the other is in the foreground again reflecting that they can't be together

  • Another advice scene with strange friend
  • Further two shots of characters at two different sides of the frame but they are holding hands which implies that they are getting closer

  • Shots of characters glancing at each other- connection between them
  • Shots of male protagonist looking glum
  • Daft advice from friend
  • A more uptempo piece of music begins
  • A few shots of the characters actually getting together

  • Confrontation scene between the two characters where they confront the obstacle 

  • This is followed by a series of romantic gestures- for example he confesses his love for her and then he runs after her 

  • Shots of them close together and laughing together

  • Individual shots of each of the main characters with their names appearing on screen- soft pastel colours 

  • Montage of shots of them together
  • His voiceover shows his attitude towards romance has completely changed
  • shot of the two leads kissing

Romantic Comedy Teaser Trailer Analysis Introduction

Now that I have found the conventions of teaser trailers I am going to be looking at romantic comedy teaser trailers or normal trailer to see if I can find the conventions of romantic comedy trailers. Once I know what the conventions are I will know what to include in my teaser trailer and so it will be more authentic. I am going to be analysing one of the trailers in a lot of detail and then I will look at the others more briefly to see if they share similar conventions.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Possible Magazine Names

Now that I have decided that my magazine is going to be like Total Film, marketing big budget Hollywood films I wanted to compile a list of names that may be appropriate but will also convey the type of films that it is talking about.

1) Popcorn- Popcorn is instantly associated with the cinema, in particular multiplex's. Popcorn implies a big budget Hollywood film from a recognisable genre.

2) Movie Magazine- Movie Magazine is direct and to the point (it is a magazine about movies). It uses the term movie rather than film which implies big budget Hollywood blockbusters rather than lower budget more serious films.

3) Ultimate Cinema- This name instantly implies Hollywood and main stream movies. However it may imply certain genres such as action or superhero movies rather than romantic comedies.

4) Celluloid- This is a word associated with film but it is not in common usage and I think it would be more suitable for a magazine that focuses on independent movies rather than those from Hollywood.

5) Silver Screen- This instantly suggests Hollywood but it has connotations of 1930's/40's and may not appeal to a younger modern audience who I would want to target with both my film and magazine.

6) Flicks/Flix- This is a slang word that suggests mainstream Hollywood films that are designed purely to entertain the audience.

7) Star- Hollywood films are dominated by A list actor and this name would indicate to the audience that the magazine will be dominated by Hollywood movies and their stars.

8) Film Genre- The majority of Hollywood films instantly fit into a specific genre (life mu film which is a conventional romantic comedy). I am worried however that people may not recognise the word or that they will associate it with more serious films rather than mainstream Hollywood movies.

Monday 24 November 2014

Total Film Analysis Conclusion

After looking at the different Total Film front covers I have found that on my magazine cover the masthead should be in a large bold font in capital letters to reflect the big budget film that its marketing.

There should be a dominant image of the central protagonist(s) of my film as the dominant image is normally of a very well know recognisable actor.

The colour scheme of the front cover should be linked to the dominant image on the cover. The cover lines should include names of well known actors and films to again show that the magazine is mainstream and talks about big budget Hollywood films.

Total Film Cover Analysis 5

Below is a Total Film front cover:

  • Immediately you can see Daniel Craig on this cover who is a recognisable actor who stars in a very well known big budget film Skyfall
  • Famous actors are mentioned on the cover such as Bradley Cooper, Kristen Stewart and Amanda Seyfried
  • The colour scheme is very bold much like the film the dominant image is representing
  • The same font is again used for the masthead 

Total Film Cover Analysis 4

Below is a Total Film front cover:

  • Again the dominant image is of two well know actors representing a well known film
  • Many very well know big budget films are mentioned on the cover such as The Final Potter, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and Spider-Man
  • There is a banner saying "The worlds best movie reviews" showing that this is a mainstream magazine cover many big films
  • As before the overall colour scheme links to the dominant image on the cover
  • The same font is used for the masthead 
  • There is a banner is a completely different colour to point out the high budget well known films that the magazine will be talking about 

Total Film Cover Analysis 3

Below is a Total Film front cover:

  • As before, there is a very well known actress on the cover (Megan Fox) reflecting that this is a magazine that cover big budget films
  • There is a colour scheme reflecting the dominant image- The dark blue from the outfit in the dominant image is also used on a banner and main cover line to tie everything together
  • The same bold and chunky font is used for the masthead- This makes the magazine recognisable as the colour scheme of the front covers changes every time. It again also reflects the type of films the magazine speaks about

Total Film Cover Analysis 2

Below is a Total Film front cover:

  • Again there is a very well known actor (Tom Cruise) on as the dominant image marketing a high budget big film
  • There are many cover lines talking about other Hollywood films such as Benjamin Button
  • Some of the biggest stars of Hollywood are mentioned on this cover such as Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Leonardo Dicaprio
  • There is again a colour scheme to go nicely with the dominant image- the colours are plain and simple like the uniform on the character 
  • The same bold font is used on the masthead 

Total Film Cover Analysis 1

Below is a Total Film front cover:

  • The dominant image is a very well known recognisable character from the big budget Hollywood film 'Avatar'
  • The dominant image is a medium shot
  • The cover lines talk about other big budget films such as 'The A Team'
  • There are also many cover lines
  • There is a unified colour scheme reflecting the blue of the Avatar- showing that the colour schemes may change in each edition depending on the dominant image on the cover
  • There is a large bold font reflecting the fact the films usually spoken about are big budget Hollywood films

Total Film Front Cover Analysis Introduction

I have decided that the appropriate publication for the magazine front cover for my film will be a magazine like Total Film as it will be a large budget Hollywood film.

I'm going to be looking at 5 different Total Film front covers in terms of colour schemes, content and more so that when I create my magazine front cover I will know what type of things reflect a magazine displaying big budget Hollywood films.