Thursday 27 November 2014

Romantic Comedy Trailer Analysis 1

Below is the teaser trailer for the movie "Playing It Cool" which was previously titles "A Many Splintered Thing":

  • The very beginning of the trailer introduces the male lead and immediately establishes aspects of his personality. For example that he doesn't believe in romance and he's a stereotypical man who see's women as sex objects
  • The purpose of this is to set up something that needs changing- one of the obstacles that needs to be overcome is his attitude to love and romance

  • Music- uptempo and lighthearted suggesting even though there may be obstacles there may be a positive outcome
  • Scenes where either male or female protagonist talk to their best friends to get romantic advice- the best friends are usually slight quirky snd not necessarily the most obvious people to ask for advice but they always end up offering brilliant advice

  • Wipes are used to to get from one shot to another giving the film a light hearted funny feel
  • Wipes are also used for the tagline
  • Further scenes follow showing male characters feelings about romance (negative). The trailer works hard at establishing him as somebody who is unlikely to fall in love
  • After establishing his unsuitability as a romantic lead we are introduced to the girl who is going to change his attitude 

  • An impact sound is used to imply the profound effect she will have on him and a change in the direction of the story
  • At least one of the main characters and often both are attractive to look at 
  • Two shots of the potential couple- at the beginning of the trailer they may be at different sides of the frame with distance between them whereas later in the trailer they may be seen closer together

  • New music track- not quite so uptempo but a happier and more romantic song- the music reflects the characters feelings at that moment in the trailer
  • Instant attraction between the two characters- showing they have something in common and that they are getting along
  • Main obstacle is revealed- her boyfriend

  • Impact sound highlighting the obstacle
  • There are comic elements apparent in the trailer in forms of jokes
  • Wipes seem to dominate in terms of editing transitions
  • More music that is uptempo and happy
  • Characters are even in separate shots to imply they are both aware that they can't be together

  • Two shot- separate parts of the frame and ones in the background and the other is in the foreground again reflecting that they can't be together

  • Another advice scene with strange friend
  • Further two shots of characters at two different sides of the frame but they are holding hands which implies that they are getting closer

  • Shots of characters glancing at each other- connection between them
  • Shots of male protagonist looking glum
  • Daft advice from friend
  • A more uptempo piece of music begins
  • A few shots of the characters actually getting together

  • Confrontation scene between the two characters where they confront the obstacle 

  • This is followed by a series of romantic gestures- for example he confesses his love for her and then he runs after her 

  • Shots of them close together and laughing together

  • Individual shots of each of the main characters with their names appearing on screen- soft pastel colours 

  • Montage of shots of them together
  • His voiceover shows his attitude towards romance has completely changed
  • shot of the two leads kissing

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